
buna, noi suntem bluepen advertising


Bluepen Advertising inseamna inovatie, creativitate si gandire deschisa.
Suntem specializați în Branding, Design, Dezvoltare Web și Management Social Media


Phone: +40 746 060 046

Arad, Str. Corneliu Coposu nr. 24/C Romania

About us

Bluepen este o agenție publicitară care te poate ajuta să profiți la maxim de afacerea ta și ceea ce are ea de oferit. Ne definește munca prin creativitate, înțelegere a pieței și furnizare de strategii care vizează persoanele și punctele forte ale business-ului tău. Totodată, suntem o companie independentă de branding și design care lucrează la intersecția dintre cultură, design și promovare publicitară, cu o pasiune profundă pentru progres și dezvoltare conceptuală.


  • > Branding
  • > Graphic design
  • > Interior design
  • > Indoor outdoor printing
  • > Offset and digital printing
  • > Packaging
  • > Web design
  • > Web development
  • > Web hosting
  • > Social media management
  • > Copywrite
  • > Strategy & positioning


Our branding strategy responds to the simplest 5 questions: how, what, where, when, and to whom do we want to convey the message? We do our homework, we do the necessary research. We learn the needs, customs and wishes of your current and potential customers. Most importantly, we know what they think and build on this basis.


For us, graphic design is art with a purpose and involves a systematic creative plan to solve a problem and achieve goals through images, symbols, letters. We give your brand aesthetic expression with a business card, flyer, poster, or personalization of work tools.


Blackpen chooses creative and avantgarde solutions for space planning and interior detailing. Through a wide-ranging approach, we embrace diversity, having as its primary objective the superior design quality always in the trend.


You may not have known this, but there are different types of prints. Depending largely on the destination of the printed material, the interior and exterior print require complex handling and techniques. Our services are not limited to easy-to-read materials, but extend to large banners and outdoor posters.


We already know that any design matches a certain range of colors and prints. As a result, we can answer any type of customer and any size of offset and digital printing.


Blackpen develops fast, innovative and dynamic ideas for our customers every day. Unlike other designs, the product packaging is very delicate. That’s why we master the latest trends in packaging design and we dress your product with fashionable “clothes”.


Web design services will always be impeccable. Your webpage’s website is perhaps the most important exposure of what it is, it needs to be explicit, airy and aesthetically pleasing. We are here to meet these goals.


The Internet is the way we take every day to interact with the world around us. Our primary role as web developers is to send information to as many people as possible. Due to the rapid pace of change in this industry, we are committed to keeping up with the news and trends of web development.


What remains to be done after creating a brand and implementing it online? Let’s take care of him, give him a host. Hosting is another task that you do not have to worry about.


Social network management goes beyond posting updates on your company profile. It also includes commitment to your audience and the search for new opportunities to increase visibility and accessibility.


Beyond the image and the symbol, there are the words. We strive to join them in the most original and unique way possible, to give birth to a tagline or a slogan according to your brand.


Positioning strategies can be designed and developed in a variety of ways, being derived from brand attributes such as consumer type or even competition. We are here to design a favorable image of your brand in the mind of the consumer.